Olympic Style weightlifting

Weightlifting is comprised of two primary movements: Clean & Jerk, and Snatch. Olympic style weightlifting is a great way to build balance, coordination, and strength.

Physical Benefits

Strength Development: Weightlifting focuses on major muscle groups, leading to overall strength development. It targets muscles in the legs, core, back, and shoulders.

Power and Explosiveness: Weightlifting movements require explosive power, which helps improve speed and agility. This explosive strength is beneficial in various sports and activities.

Muscle Tone and Definition: Weightlifting contributes to muscle toning and definition. It can lead to a lean and sculpted physique when combined with proper nutrition and recovery.

Increased Metabolism: Lifting heavy weights boosts metabolism, helping with weight management and fat loss when combined with a balanced diet.

Joint Stability and Flexibility: Weightlifting movements enhance joint stability and flexibility, reducing the risk of injuries in everyday activities.

Improved Bone Density: Weight-bearing exercises like weightlifting increase bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and improving overall bone health.

Enhanced Athletic Performance: Weightlifting enhances athletic performance by improving coordination, balance, and power, which are essential in many sports.

Mental Benefits

Confidence and Mental Toughness: Mastering challenging lifts boosts confidence and mental toughness. Overcoming physical barriers can translate into improved self-esteem and resilience.

Focus and Concentration: Weightlifting requires intense focus and concentration. Regular practice can enhance your ability to concentrate on tasks, both in and out of the gym.

Stress Reduction: Exercise, including weightlifting, triggers the release of endorphins, reducing stress and promoting a sense of well-being.

Goal Setting and Achievement: Weightlifting provides clear goals. Progression in lifting heavier weights or mastering new techniques gives a sense of achievement and motivation to set higher goals.

Social Support: Weightlifting often takes place in a supportive community. Connecting with like-minded individuals can provide a sense of belonging and motivation to stay consistent in training.

Discipline: Weightlifting requires regular training and adherence to techniques. This instills discipline and consistency, valuable traits applicable in various aspects of life.

Programming is the best way to go

Schedule a free 15-minute consultation. Tour the facility and chat with our coaches about your goals and how we can help.


Choose a training frequency of 2-4 times a week and get paired up with a coach whose semi-private hours best fit your schedule. We have coach availability throughout the week, AM and PM!


Train with your coach and small group during your designated semi-private hours. Follow the customized Ironside Method program written by your coach to achieve your goals.


What is weightlifting?

Weightlifting is the embodiment of human power and determination, a journey that pushes you past your boundaries to discover your true potential. Rooted in the art of two fundamental lifts – the Clean and Jerk, and the Snatch – it transcends mere physical strength. It's a commitment, a discipline, a transformative path of self-discovery. Weightlifting is your testament to the immense strength within, an ongoing journey of self-improvement and empowerment. At Ironside, it’s how we sculpt our strongest, most empowered selves.

Is weightlifting healthy in the long run?

Absolutely, weightlifting is a beacon of enduring health when approached with dedication and intelligence. Beyond the remarkable physical transformations, it fortifies the mind, nurturing mental resilience that permeates every facet of life. It's about more than building muscle and bone density; it's enhancing your overall quality of life, creating a robust foundation of well-being that stands resilient through life's challenges. At Ironside, we champion this holistic approach, guiding you through a balanced journey of strength training, ensuring your vitality and longevity in the realm of weightlifting.

Is it bad for your joints?

Like any physical pursuit, weightlifting requires respect for your body's limits and a commitment to proper technique. With the right guidance and recovery, weightlifting not only protects but strengthens your joints. It’s about listening to your body, honoring its signals, and adapting your training to fortify your physical form. At Ironside, your health and longevity are our priorities. We emphasize impeccable form, personalized programming, and adequate recovery to ensure your joints thrive alongside your growing strength, enabling you to lift not just heavy but also smart and sustainable.

Will weightlifting make me too big?

Weightlifting isn't about size; it's a journey of strength, empowerment, and self-discovery. Your body's transformation is a celebration of your dedication, a testament to your personal growth and hard-earned victories over limitations. It's not about conforming to societal standards; it's about shattering those expectations. Weightlifting helps you sculpt a body that mirrors your strength, discipline, and tenacity, not society's ideals.

Is weightlifting safe for beginners?

Absolutely. Every weightlifting champion started as a beginner. It’s a journey open to all, regardless of your starting point. At Ironside, we ensure your path is paved with meticulous guidance, a supportive community, and personalized programs tailored to your pace and potential. Our experts are dedicated to ensuring your form, technique, and progress are anchored in safety, fostering a seamless and confident ascent in your weightlifting journey.

Is weightlifting appropriate for older individuals?

Indeed, age is merely a number in the world of iron and strength. Weightlifting offers boundless opportunities for individuals of all ages to cultivate strength, enhance physical health, and fortify mental resilience. At Ironside, we embrace and honor the wisdom and experience that older individuals bring to our community. With tailored programs, attentive guidance, and a steadfast commitment to your health and well-being, flourish in the enduring journey of strength and empowerment.

Do I need special equipment?

Weightlifting does require specific equipment to ensure safety and performance. However, at Ironside, you’re not alone in navigating these necessities. We provide comprehensive insights into essential gear, from weightlifting belts to knee sleeves, ensuring you are equipped with reliable and quality apparatus, fortifying your lifts and safeguarding your journey.

How do I start?

Your expedition into the world of weightlifting begins with a single, courageous step. At Ironside, we are here to hold the space for your beginnings, to guide, support, and witness your evolution. Embark upon your journey with a Free Consultation, allowing us to understand your goals, assess your starting point, and craft a pathway aligned with your aspirations and potentials. Your time is now; let the adventure unfold, and step into the empowering world of weightlifting with Ironside.

Join us today!